35 definitions by Diane

A Drunk, person who consumes alot of alchohol. Liqour, alcoholic beverages.
-Did that alcky in highschool turn out to be a bum? yea?? kewl.
-Bring your own alcky to the party if u want to drink.
by Diane March 4, 2003
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Two men who are friends. Used as girls use the term 'girlfriend'
Harry and Brendan are good manfriends, they tell each other everything.
by Diane April 11, 2005
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This term does not exist. Girls are seldom excused for ANY behavior whatsoever.
People are never lenient when it comes to girls.
by Diane December 20, 2004
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It was made when some Townie people couldn't be bothered to say You alright? So UIAAT was born.
One townie said to another : uiaat?
He said back : What the fuck are you on mate?
by Diane July 8, 2004
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Something that is glorified as some glamorous thing, when, in reality, it's really just a bunch of morons who feel that they're so special that, rather than to go school and get an education and a real job, they choose to live an illegal lifestyle that involves murdering people, scamming people, and getting shot in pizza restaurants. The Mafia is basically Italian Bloods/Crips with suits, outdated hair and lots of jewelry.
by Diane November 3, 2004
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singing to a song what you belive are the correct lyrics, when they are in actuality incorrect.
James Taylor's Shower the People song.

Dislyrisation "Shower de people you love a lot, show dem the way you feel"

Actual lyrics "Shower the people you love with love, show them the way you feel"
by Diane April 30, 2004
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If you can't spell 'definition', don't recommend anyone's definitions to Quality Control, ESPECIALLY if you're sending it there because of their spelling.
by Diane November 19, 2004
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