3 definitions by Devan Jaxon

Pretending to be doing something of importance, while actually doing nothing at all. Or just flat wasting time.
Greg - What are you up to man?

Sam- I'm doin' the shiny.

Greg - Right on.
by Devan Jaxon March 16, 2010
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When women hang out together too much, and their "time of the month" lines up so that they all PMS at the same goddam time.
"Dude, the bitches on the floor above me are cycling."

"Man that sucks. Stay away from that shit."
by Devan Jaxon December 12, 2011
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To shave multiple lines (usually two or three) through one's eyebrows to try and look hard.
I was watchin Aaron Lennon and I saw he was notched, so I was like damn I need to do that.
by Devan Jaxon September 9, 2010
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