1 definition by Determity

A light or dark substance derived from the cannabis plant, processed by methods using alcohol and a low heat to create chunks and slabs (also created by other methods such as rubbing, not covered here) ready to ship abroad, or sell inland. it's the best (cheapest and easiest) way of shipping cannabis abroad, which is why England is full of the dirtiest, most polluted dark hash substance Soap Bar. The not-very-potent dark stuff (readily available by the kilo in England) should'nt be smoked due to the fact that it more than likely contains "mystery meat" such as plastic and other nasties. If you want to smoke dark hash, go to a country such as holland and buy some real stuff from a "coffee shop" ;). If i were you, id forget about hashish (except the good, strong stuff) and BLAZE THE CHRONIC INSTEAD!
People only smoke (dark) hashish in England because it is cheap. It is much weaker than greenery, but people do not notice this due to the fact that it barely takes a few milligrams of THC to get stoned!!!
Smoking hashish, toking hashish
eating hashish, sleeping hashish
buying hashish, crying hashish
stashing hashish, caching hashish!
by Determity February 24, 2004
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