13 definitions by Desmond White

An individual of such extreme hotness they're ravaged with an unlimited amount of STDs. Yet that doesn't affect their sex life. In other words, although her STDs might skin you down to the bone in a cauldron of spiked barnacles and mutant crabs, you'd still totally do her.
Greg: "Dude, I'm not feeling so good."
Charlie: "Yeah? That's because that chick you hooked with last night was skankaslutawhoralicious."
Greg: "It was worth, totally worth it."
Greg's penis falls off.
by Desmond White December 4, 2009
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When you use beer as a marinating sauce for bratwurst. The food product can then be called beer meat. Beer bratting is a mancraft.
"These brats here, you beer bratting them, fuck?"
"Mang, I nated these suckas with Miller High Life then fucked two chicks and now I'm dead."
"You is suitable for non-gay gay marriage because that's fucking TIGHT shit."
by Desmond White December 1, 2009
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It's when two dudes high-five with their moustaches. To an outsider it might look totally gay, but between the two dudes, it's totally manly. Sometimes followed by heavy groping and actual kissing.
"Moustache Five right now!"
*pound moustaches*
"Yeah! But that part where you lingered was kinda weird."
by Desmond White December 1, 2009
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That pure, fleeting moment after your first sexual experience when it still hasn't settled that you're no longer a virgin.
"Yo woman let's do it again!"
"Quiet, don't ruin this for me, I'm post-chaste."
"Well, hurry girl - I wanna get real nasty."
by Desmond White February 18, 2010
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Tummy sticks is the situation in which two erect men cuddle closely and face-to-face causing their two erect penises, or sticks, to push upwards between their stomachs.
Tommy: Hey Tommy, wanna play tummy sticks?
Tommy: Let's do that! Let's do exactly that!
by Desmond White January 3, 2010
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Any of the holiday-themed orgies that occur regularly at your house, because you're that awesome. Christmas holidorgies involve stockings, lots of coal, and MILFs in Mrs Clause outfits. Thanksgiving: stuffing, gravy, plus hot Pocahontas costumes. Halloween: cosplay and flavored condoms. Easter: fertilized eggs (hopefully not!) and furries.
"that was a great holidorgy."
"yeah it's nice having the in-laws over."
by Desmond White December 2, 2009
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Anything pertaining to ladies. Lady things can range from tea parties to bodily functions. Generally a sore topic amongst men (in fact, you'll probably never hear a man refer to a lady thing as a "lady thing.")
"you hook with louise last night?"
"nah she bored my boner with all this talk about lady things."
"wow, never say 'lady things' again."
by Desmond White December 1, 2009
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