85 definitions by DesPERRYado

A warrior who can fly and fight with telekinetic powers.
Heidi is a Tengu Knight
by DesPERRYado November 1, 2004
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Used in the military to denote new recruits. A derogotory term which is short for Junior Enlisted Expendable Personnel.
Commander: "Hey, JEEP. Draw the enemy's fire so we can escape."
by DesPERRYado January 8, 2006
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When a woman is being a moody bitch.
"Why was Jenny being such a bitch to me?"

"Just stay clear man. She must be in red dragon mode."
by DesPERRYado September 30, 2005
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Generally, a lie a woman tells a guy when she doesn't want anything to with him. Usually performed after the guy tries to 'court' the woman.

Usually followed up by "I'm not looking for anyone right now," but can be seen dating/fucking other guys seconds later.

Generally, this is just a way women try to pacify men but usually just infuriates them.
Joey: "Hey, Jenny. I really like you a lot, would you go out with me sometime?"

Johnny: "Look, Johnny. You're a really nice guy but I think we should just be friends. I just got out of a really bad relationship and don't want to date yet."

Seconds later

Joey: "Wait!? Is Jenny having sex with Dean in my car?!"
by DesPERRYado June 6, 2005
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The collaboration of two or more people on a project or situation, which the outcome would be better than if the two people had worked independently of each other. Basically just a buzz word for team work
Man with Ladder: Man I'm hungry
Man with Tree: I can't reach those apples, if only I had a ladder...
Man with Ladder: Hey, let's work together.

Gee Wilbur, this synergy is great.
by DesPERRYado November 2, 2004
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In dating, when both parties pay for their own bills, thus effectively dispelling the double-standard where men are always expected to pay.
"If you meet an intelligent, attractive and friendly woman who likes going dutch then you should hang on to her for dear life."
by DesPERRYado October 27, 2005
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Joke term used during songs to annoy people. Originated after malevolent Wendy's employee accused two innocent employees of harassment.
After 9 days, I let the horse run free because it was wrongly accused of harassment.
by DesPERRYado February 13, 2005
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