119 definitions by Derek

A short but plump penis, Which is usually around 4 1/2 inches long

Man im proud of my doojer, 4 1/2 inches long man.
by Derek October 30, 2003
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A time where you and your friends/family go out to the backyard and attempt so many meat products that you will piss off enviromental activists since you wasted fossil fuels, animals just to have a good time. if you only have friends, it will generally become a beer drinking contest
John and his boys were wasted from the backyard barbecue, all because he had to have 5 beers with his ribs
by Derek February 14, 2005
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The sexy beast was always on the prowl for chinkni bund.
by Derek December 5, 2003
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a penis that is larger around then it is long
my dicks 8 inches thick, but only 4 inches long:(
by Derek January 3, 2003
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1.High quality weed, usually strains produced for high THC and yeild. The term "chronic" also may be used for good weed when the specific strain is not known. For example, if you bought some chronic that was the northern lights strain, it would be sold as "northern lights," not chronic.

Damn I'm so Fuckin' high right now! (on chronic btw ;)
"you got some chronic man?, no, I got a fat sack of maui though!"
by Derek November 19, 2003
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usually good strains of weed grown to produce a high level of THC, while also producing high yeild. Contradictory to what previous definitions stated, at least where I live, It is common to find chronic laced with cocaine. Of course, is doesn't have to be laced with coc to be chronic.
"hey, can you hook it up with a quarter of chron man?, hell yeah, 110"
by Derek November 19, 2003
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