119 definitions by Derek

a word that has undefined characteristics, it is not a noun, verb, adjective, article, adverb, or preposition but can be used as any of them. It has no positive or negative connotation, but can be used to describe someone cool, or as a total fucking dumbass.
"Steve you fucking big top" or "Quit being such a big top, big top!"
by Derek October 25, 2004
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the humorous English mistakes that appear in Japanese advertising and product design.
Dude, check out the packaging for these rice crackers--the engrish is hysterical!
by Derek April 5, 2005
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I just fucked my girlfriend in her ass, and now I can't get the damn shit of my winky!
by Derek January 3, 2003
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The most awesome possible way to say the word "left," as inspired by Thirst from those Sprite commercials.
"I'mma be ova heah on my leff...gettin' mah drink on!"
by Derek August 31, 2004
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A gay cowboy (redundant), usually out of the closet, and flaming (i.e. stiletto boots and zebra print hat). Rhinestone Cowboys have also been known to ride the horse from the under side.
No, your cowboy shirt isn't salmon or mellon, it's pink. Get over it.
by Derek February 21, 2005
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When ones depressed, or is having a mood swing. and everything seems to suck.
Man today sucks, im having a down pocket time
by Derek October 30, 2003
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