119 definitions by Derek

The act of poopstanding, or standing erect while pooping instead of sitting on a toilet. The poopstander stands with his anus aimed at the toilet and poops. Although a bit unorthadox, this has become very popular among young teenagers.
An example of a poopstander is Ryan Freeman who can often be found in the Fenwick boys bathroom standing up while pooping.
by Derek April 7, 2003
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A condition held by overly long sideburns as they grow into long, curly strands that often resemble wings.
The man, with his shaggy, rebellious hair walked defiantly as his wing sideburn flowed gracefully in the wind like an eagle soaring ever so high.
by Derek May 13, 2007
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The way that you walk when your balls are to the wall.
"I skreeted along, balls-to-the-wall."
by Derek August 30, 2004
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Slang for a male penis. Used as an appropriate backup when the alternate term "Cock" can be perceived as unacceptable within a certain environment.
"Out of the way you KOTCH!"
"Look at this kotch cutting the line!"
"I took a shot to the kotch Mike!"
by Derek March 28, 2003
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The man of the hour
"ten mins is not long for brownie"
by Derek May 21, 2003
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when you take your ball sack and put it over some ones face
a girl was giving me head and then i pancaked her.
by Derek March 27, 2005
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A fire burning sensation from the deepest depths of hell that feasts on your asshole, different theories for causes include, poor wiping, foods that spawn a hellacious shit,or in some cases even over wipeage
yoouch, i shouldnt have ate that other double decker with hot sauce , i got one hell of a rim burner : /
by Derek April 30, 2004
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