65 definitions by Dennis

with regards to
I'd like to speak to you, WRT the document you sent me.
by Dennis April 29, 2003
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When You are walking behind a girl and you poke two fingers up her ass as you walk by.

Origionaly a Word from the Korean Language
With full determination I ran by and did a Shit Ji to Katie.
by Dennis April 22, 2005
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Slang name for Stuttgart, Germany due to Mercedes-Benz which was founded there.
Let's go to Benztown
by Dennis April 5, 2005
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It can mean so what. It is like saying I told you so. It is proving somebody wrong.
My brother: you can't get off that phone in a half an hour. Me: I got off in 10 min. AND WHAT !!!
by Dennis September 28, 2004
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A somewhat rare post-withdrawal nervous twitch seen in recovered heroin addicts, usually as a twitch of the head.
He was moving his head around so much I thought he had the jakes.
by Dennis October 10, 2003
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nothing and everythign in the same. I would like to point out that God did not bleed for us, Jeses did. God hasn't given us shit since we killed off his " Son".

Non existant.
I don't have a god, i just make fun of yours.
by Dennis May 26, 2004
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(n). middle of nowhere, upstate new york, 45 minutes north of utica. surprisingly a real city.
Dennis: My girlfriend is from boonville.
Emily: Oh ok. Where is she really from?
Dennis: Boonville, New York. Its a real place.
by Dennis January 21, 2005
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