3 definitions by DelicateCargo

A male prostitute, derived from the onomatopoetic fact that he is a "he-whore".
if you walk down to the corner of 3rd and Mission, you'll see a donkey dressed like a mincer just waiting to gobble your gonads for less than a tenner.
by DelicateCargo June 3, 2015
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The sleek-and-smooth sort of bowel movement often experienced the morning after a night of heavy drinking that softly slips into the water like an otter off the river bank.
"I'll see you in 10, Harold, I'm off to deposit a lager log in your lavatory".
by DelicateCargo June 3, 2015
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The momentary, vengeful blast of fetid guff that hits you in the face upon opening a packet of cold sliced ham.
"Be very careful opening that sandwich meat Keith, or you'll get some major piggy payback".
by DelicateCargo June 3, 2015
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