2 definitions by Deev

n. an African American; usually a male, but can refer to females
by Deev December 20, 2005
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n. Expensive, sometimes flashy jewelry, clothing and/or automobile details, sported by low, middle, and upper class adolescents and adults of all races and ethnic groups.

v. to "bling-bling;" the act of sporting jewelry, clothing or flashy automobile details of an expensive and/or highly extravagant nature.

v. "Girl, you sure are bling-blingin' it tonight!"
v. She's all bling bling now since she got her new Jaguar.
v. She is totally bling-blingin' it in her new Jaguar!
n. "I've got this bling blingin' outfit, with bling bling jewelry to match!"
by Deev December 20, 2005
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