4 definitions by Deathspartan66

Absolute hell on earth. Recruits live here for the 3 longest months of their life, getting beat, having their bodies destroyed, every muscle in their body being broke down by the toughest beings on the planet, Drill Instructors. Much blood, sweat, and tears are spilled on this island, and the only way off is to survive, or die. There is no quitting, there is no escaping. There is only discipline. Marines are made here.
Drill Instructor: "Welcome to my island, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island. The only way OFF my beloved island is to complete my training, or come off in a bodybag. Its up to you. Now get off my fucking bus right now! MOVE YOUR ASSES!"
by Deathspartan66 August 14, 2009
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A word sometimes used humorously, like a verbal high-five, between good friends. Also a word commonly used in PvP games, such as World of Warcraft, etc.
Dude 1: "Bro, I just scored with Audrey."
Dude 2: "Owned."

Friend 1: "Man I just beat his ass in a duel."
Friend 2: "Owned. Even though you're a OP ret pally, ya asshole."
by Deathspartan66 July 28, 2009
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An RP server in the World of Warcraft. Don't know much about Horde side, but on Alliance side, it is made up of people like the famous Soulja (or WAS, anyway), Sabo, Watchfull, Crax (who ERPed Siixtus's dead body...and she liked it), Hruln, Siax, Columbia AKA Col-Col, Deadquiet (That asshole of a twink rogue, who never levels), Wilicc (my bay bi), Banquish (who likes to spam custom emotes, and confuse the hell out of people), as well as a million lesbians who make level 1s or level a DK to 58 and just park themselves in Goldshire to hang out and corrupt other young girls.
"How about 'No'"

~Blackwater Raiders~
by Deathspartan66 August 14, 2009
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A term used as an excuse, for example, if you suck at PvP in WoW, and lose in a duel, you might accuse the person of hacking as an excuse to deter attention away from your own failureness. Usually used jokingly, when the person knows they suck and just want to say something funny after being beat. Its ok. You'll be ok.
Winner: "Owned, bitch!"
Loser: "I call hax."
by Deathspartan66 July 28, 2009
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