6 definitions by DeathByLoveX

A Dick 5" or less with no gerth.
You know it is just too damn small, because no matter how hard, or long you ride it, or how wet you are you can not get off, and he already came four times.
Girl#1:Did he have a small Dick?
Girl#2: Yeah it was small, I could feel it, but barely, and it didn't hit any of the right spots to make me cum girl."
Girl#1:"Definitely don't see him again ."
by DeathByLoveX March 3, 2018
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Bad Sex
Synonyms-Lousy, Horrible, Lame, MinuteMan, No good, Waste of time, Not worth it.

When he has to eat your Pussy everytime you are going to have sex just to make you cum, because he doesn't last long enough inside of you for you to get yours if he doesn't, and if he doesn't do that then he wouldn't get to be with you anymore. Because as much as you care about someone you wont stick around if you have to go,masturbate after everytime you have sex.
Me:"Wow that was really Bad Sex
"I am so unsatisfied. "
"Now I have to masturbate."
"What a waste of time."
"That was it."
by DeathByLoveX March 3, 2018
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Her facial expressions vary wide, and far. They can be cute, and funny. And are always real. She is a real person. She doesn't have to pretend to be someone who she is not, and knows exactly who she is. She is a true free spirit. A lover, but if she needs to will fight, especially for justice. Also her principles, because these are very important to her. She does not judge..but knows psychology quite well, and has amazing intuition. She can be outgoing to an extent..but if she doesn't know you, and you have noticed her then you have to be the one to talk to her first, because she might not be as outgoing to greet random people that might be rude if she is that friendly. Once you talk to her you will find she is not stuck up. Just confident. She learned self- love. She is not conceited. Although she could be easily. She has many haters. Most are jealous girls who are usually fat, or just ugly. Or both. Because she is not only pretty, but in shape. She shines from within. These girls typically roll their eyes at her upon meeting while she greets them with a smile either way, because she knows why they do that so she is not bother, but flattered. Guys they mistake her friendliness, and welcoming personality for a chance to get into her pants, or become her boyfriend. When all she wants to do is relax. They try to play the jealous role when other guy's talk to her, And question her, and try to make something out of nothing. She knows when she is attracted to someone.
Person:"IsSandra stuck up?"
Other person:"Have you even tried to talk to her?"
Person:"Will you talk to her for me?"
Other person:"Sure."
by DeathByLoveX March 3, 2018
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If you are her friend that she is loyal to, and you mistreat her for too long she will only tolerate so much of the pettiness until she becomes ruthless, and tells you what you are doing that is ridiculous, and childish, or deceitful. She knows when you are lying, and she hates that the most. Honesty is her motto, and she is annoyed that you lied because she is straightforward, and loves for yourself o be also. Hopeless romantic at heart. Is in love with love. Daydreams quite often staring off into space. Can get bored quite easily in a group that is too lazy, and boring for her. If that group only likes to sit around, and do nothing, and talk about nothing all day with no activities, or intellectual stimulation, she will wish she wasn't there, and her eyes will begin to close on her, and herhead will droop low hunched over in her seat, because here fun energy is being drained, and wasted away. She is quite a catch! Is she attractive? Very! She gets many looks everywhere she goes, but not the looks where she is just eye candy because she dresses beautifully, and in her own way. She does not like trends, she starts trends..but once others stealing he trend she started she will refuse to continue the trend. She likes to socialize, even if sometimes seen as quiet by people she doesn't know very well, but she needs her solitude. She needs time to stop listening to everyone constantly, and time to do her, and just think.
Friend:"Sandra is crazy a little bit, but in a good way."
Ignorant Hater:"Sandra is insane."
by DeathByLoveX March 3, 2018
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Her hair is usually long, shiny, brown, and beautiful. She is graceful, but does trip over her own feet sometimes, but never actually falls because she catches herself before she does. She loves others, even for their flaws. She is such a loyal friend, but can never find one who is loyal to her. Sandra does her own thing. She is psychic. She hates hostility, and negativity. Just leave her alone.Laid back, And fun with a good sense of humor. To her romance is not flowers on a bed, and a hot bath as nice as it is. It is out of the blue kisses. When she is walking, and you come behind her, and turn her around and kiss her. She wants you to be subtle about it, to,gesture dirty things with only a look, as she will does he same back, and you can communicate that way. You must be a good kisser or you will gross her out, She is very passionate, and will love to please you if she feels the attraction is mutual, but if you don't plan on pleasing her she will leave you hanging if she wants because of your plans to be selfish, and leave her hanging. She is a giver, but believes in equality. If you insult her, she will tear you a new asshole, and she will do it very cleverly. She is said to be a bit crazy, but in a good way, but if you push her too far you will see her a lot crazy in a bad way, but you asked for it assuming she is weak. If she is attracted to you she will love it if you unbutton your shirts bit so she can see your chest and smell your clone.
"That Sandra can be very rebellious. ,
by DeathByLoveX March 3, 2018
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Confident, Doesn't care what other people think, Athletic, Toned, Hazel eyes, (Mistaken for Light Brown), Loved by many, Also hated by many because she isn't afraid to be herself. She knows herself. If you continue to try to insult her she will cut you with her tongue that doubles as a double edged sword. If you are her friend that she is loyal to, and you mistreat her for too long she will only tolerate so much of the pettiness until she becomes ruthless, and tells you what you are doing that is ridiculous, and childish, or deceitful. She knows when you are lying, and she hates that the most. Honesty is her motto, and she is annoyed that you lied because she is straightforward, and loves for yourself o be also. Hopeless romantic at heart. Is in love with love. Daydreams quite often staring off into space. Can get bored quite easily in a group that is too lazy, and boring for her. If that group only likes to sit around, and do nothing, and talk about nothing all day with no activities, or intellectual stimulation, she will wish she wasn't there, and her eyes will begin to close on her, and herhead will droop low hunched over in her seat, because here fun energy is being drained, and wasted away. She is quite a catch! Is she attractive? Very! She gets many looks everywhere she goes, but not the looks where she is just eye candy.She likes to socialize, even if sometimes seen as quiet by people she doesn't know very well, but she needs her solitude.
Whiney Guy:"Sandra is a real bitch because she wouldn't date me. "

Whiney Guy: Sandra is a slut (Because she wouldn't fuck me) Boohoo.

Jealous Girlfriend: Don't look at Sandras ass or I will kill you!
Jealous girl: She is prettier than me, and is getting guy's attention even though she doesn't try so I secretly must do what I can to make her suffer"
Guy:Is she single?
by DeathByLoveX March 3, 2018
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