44 definitions by Dean

A technique in Half-Life (mostly CS) that involves excellent timing and coordination. You can gain tremendous speed from these hops and jump extremely far. Usually used by veteran counter-strike players because it used to come in handy to get places fast, and also get away quickly. Must use strafing, jumping, and mouse movements to bunnyhop correctly. This is considered a bug in the coding of HL. Bunny-Hopping is a very hard technique to master but doesn't work that well anymore in most Half-life Mods.
Man that guy bunnyhops so fast!
by Dean August 27, 2003
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Masturbatory term.

See also:
stroking the sausage
slapping the meat
petting the weasel
spanking the monkey
flogging the dolphin
tickling the pickle
whacking the mole
playing the skin flute
cream-filling the donut
"I can't stand to see him shizzling the nizzle."
by Dean March 25, 2005
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From the movie 'Bruce Almighty' means that is they way it is, some things just happens, you roll your dice and pay your price ect.
Why does it always rain when I go to a baseball game?
That's the way the cookie crumbles
by Dean May 30, 2004
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a word invented my myself bout a year ago... its the niecst way or saying you're lazy
- im hungry
- go eat
- food's too far away... i need a butler
- lazy butt
- im not lazy..... im selectively active
by Dean December 4, 2004
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The 'Sleeping Bag' is a refined dancing skill which requires rapid movement from left to right with both feet together. The movement itself is mastered from many generations and can be defined between the width and speed of the designated movement. Any mastery of this skill is usually familiarised with a lot of female activity due to the elitist value the move posesses
That guy doing the sleeping bag is sooo hot right now!
by Dean February 12, 2005
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