31 definitions by David Blomstrom

The fifth incarnation of the United States...

1) Democratic republic (for whites, at least)

2) More politicized nation with stronger federal government forged by the Civil War

3) Empire, with overseas possessions, beginning with the Spanish American War and annexation of Hawaii in 1898

4) Frighteningly corrupt and bizarre corporate conglomerate, as became frighteningly apparent after George W. Bush's theft of the White House in 2000 and the 9/11 terrorist attacks he exploited so ruthlessly

5) The next stage in the evolution of the United States, which can't be predicted with certainty but will hopefully be an "invisible republic" in the tradition of a campfire discussion featured in the late environmental activist Edward Abbey's book Desert Solitaire.
An Invisible Republic (or fifth republic) would presumably follow a fifth major revolution:

1) The "American Revolution," which ended with an independent United States

2) The Civil War, which freed the slaves but arguably did much to wreck the U.S. as a whole

3) The socialist revolution of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which did so much to help American workers

4) The "flower power" rebellion of the 1960s and 1970s, which did so much for civil rights and the environment and perhaps helped end the war in Vietnam

5) It will probably take an even bigger movement, whether peaceful or violent, to wrest control of the U.S. from corporations and hold people like George W. Bush and Bill Gates accountable.
by David Blomstrom March 3, 2007
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the corporate powers that rule Seattle (one of America's most corrupt cities), along with their various "gatekeepers," including the politicians they have installed in office, the media and various phony activists
Bill Gates is a Seattle Mafia kingpin.
by David Blomstrom May 16, 2006
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A nickname for Micro$oft founder Bill Gates, a key member of the Seattle Mafia and global asshole.
Has Darth Gates blackM$ailed any schools in your country yet?
by David Blomstrom October 4, 2007
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1. One of many nicknames for Microsoft, a famously corrupt corporation and member of the Seattle Mafia known for screwing its own customers.
2. A scam perpetrated by Microsoft.
1. So what attack on civilization is Microscam plotting this month?
2. Bill Gates' sleazy patent war is one of his most sensational Microscams.
by David Blomstrom October 4, 2007
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1. A person who publicly supports Microsoft while turning a blind eye to its corruption.
2. A person who uses Microsoft products or services, particularly one who publicly supports Microsoft while turning a blind eye to its corruption.
There are probably millions of Microsofties who think Bill Gates is God, just as right-wingers worship George W. Bush (who is a major Microsofty in his own right).
by David Blomstrom October 4, 2007
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One of many nicknames for Microsoft, a key member of the Seattle Mafia.
by David Blomstrom October 4, 2007
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Blackmail perpetrated by Microsoft, or a situation that appears to be blackmail somehow associated with M$.
Can you guess which major corporation has been accused of blackM$ailing schools?
by David Blomstrom October 4, 2007
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