11 definitions by Dave K.

Using Photoshop to replace a black person in a picture with a white person, so as to make the picture appear less threatening.
Microsoft negroshopped the clip-art picture on their US website for their Polish audience, so that the people looked more Polish.
by Dave K. August 25, 2009
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Monogamous, but only for homosexuals.
After dating for a while, Chad and Javier decided to make their relationship a monogaymous one.
by Dave K. January 2, 2008
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A gay Mexican gangster, from the combination of homosexual and cholo.
That fag in the wife-beater is a cholosexual.
by Dave K. August 9, 2008
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Ray Nagin, incompetent mayor of New Orleans who allowed the people of the city to die during Hurricane Katrina because he ignored the warnings of impending danger.
Ray Nagin is the modern-day version of Marion Barry.
by Dave K. February 13, 2008
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That fag banged a Chinese hooker and caught HIV5N1.
by Dave K. June 12, 2008
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Similar to "nigga plz", but using Nagin (as in incompetent New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin) instead.
"Yo son, I'm gonna whup yo ass at blacksketball!"

by Dave K. February 13, 2008
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