9 definitions by DarqMage

A generalized, broad term that describes societal nonconformists, usually ex-convicts, jobless, unfaithful, "ghetto" dregs, incapable of social graces, commitment or gainful employment: the absentee father/"baby daddy" of unwed mothers, the inmate population, the drug dealers and hustlers on the streets are examples of Pookies and Ray Rays
"Yes, she's an educated woman but she's also an unwed mother; she got knocked up, running with Pookie and Ray Ray in her younger days.
by DarqMage May 1, 2021
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A deragatory term used to describe a person who exhibits an unabashed behavorial penchant for kissing ass.
Joe got that promotion by kissing the boss' ass. What a buni-linguist!
by DarqMage May 12, 2008
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A deragatory permutation/centaur word combination of the slang terms "badunkadunk" and "donkey", used to describe extremely large, protruding albeit attractive buttocks on a female; extreme calliopygia/steatopygia.
Damn! Look at the badunka-donkey on that woman! what a huge ass!
by DarqMage May 12, 2008
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term used to describe the state of being incensed; intense anger.
If you keep fooling around, i'm gonna reach the highest point of piss-tivity imaginable and bash your heads in!
by DarqMage May 12, 2008
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A permutation of pop star Erikah Badu's name, this often derogatory term is used to describe a black female who assumes a ethnocentric self righteous affectation without the means to support it.
There goes Erikah Ba-Dont with her fake braids and psuedo-african head wrap talking about self empowerment again, when everyone knows she's receiving welfare.
by DarqMage May 13, 2008
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A deragatory term used to describe an extremely dark skinned(as in blue-black) person.
look at spook juice; he's so damn dark a blind man can see him!
by DarqMage May 12, 2008
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Blue balls; a vulgar term used to describe the dull pain incurred by an imaginary accumulation (and curdling of said accumulation)of ejaculate in the testes.
I haven't had sex with my girl in a while. When i do I'm gonna drop a block of cheese in that ass.
by DarqMage May 12, 2008
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