15 definitions by Darnie

The term refering to something that would be worn by a retard named Darnie
Yo, fa-darzzle, dat shirt is off the darnified.
by Darnie April 7, 2003
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1). A stick used by the Loopy-Dar. It used to fight off evil. It is actually a stick off the ground and the evil is the mail-man, but let the fookin Loopy-Dars have their weapons of mass destruction.
Draw your Dar-Saver. If you dare.
by Darnie April 8, 2003
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1.) A three syllabled phrase, usually said by retarded or mentally challenged children.
2.)A pointless phrase meaning absolutely nothing or everything.
Hey Dar ba lar! What the Dar ba lar are you Dar ba laringly Dar ba laring.
by Darnie April 3, 2003
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1.)Catch phrase of a Darnie.
2.) Showing great retarded pleasure,feeling, or anger.
by Darnie April 1, 2003
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A small box that charges 25 cents to kill you. Anyone using it has two options either a laser gun that kills you quick and easy or lots of barbaric weapons to kill you slowly and painfully.
Hey why aren't those people coming out of that phone booth?
That's not a phone booth. It's a suicide machine.
Ohh, good invention.
by Darnie August 25, 2004
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1.) To understand the meaning of the Loopy-Dar you need to become one with your inner wetard and believe in the "force" or "Matrix" or maybe da "scwartz" for some of you lower life forms.Once you have reached your Loopy-Dar you can defy all laws even the ones dat make pay taxes.So if you wish to reach this unbeliavable feet you must go to the sewer and train and hone you Darness.
2.)To every one else it means stay in school so you don't become one, but I think dats just wetarded.
Darnie:Only the Loopy-Dar will set you free, bretheren.
Dilbert: You can not handle the Loopy-Dar, Darnie.
Darnie: Dar.
by Darnie April 8, 2003
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1). The leader of the opposing force to the Loopy-Dars. He is the leader of The Unknown Country. He is actually George W. Bush, a Loopy-Dar gone bad.
We must destwoy the Pwesident. Hurry Darnie.
by Darnie April 8, 2003
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