2 definitions by Dark Eden

Left wing troll who tries to imitate a right winger, usually poorly due to left wing's complete misunderstanding of who right wingers are. Often given away by telltale first line, "I'm a lifelong Republican, BUT..." or "As a lifelong Republican, I have to disagree with (Republican figure)..."
Moby: I'm a lifelong Republican, but it turns my stomach when I see the fascist rantings of these town hall protesters. What they are doing is worse than Hitler! I am going to vote Democrat until this stops and you should too!

Actual Republican: Try to dial it down next time, Moby. You'd be more convincing!
by Dark Eden August 29, 2009
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1. Someone terrified by the idea that someone, somewhere, might be earning money.

2. Someone who wants to move the country progressively closer to socialism.
Dave just blew his raise on an extension for his house but keeps going on about how evil the corporations are.

He's so progressive, man.
by Dark Eden July 31, 2009
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