5 definitions by Dankmememasterpapi69

Someone whom enjoys puffing on a bine, also known as a cigarette by normies
Joe McKinney was such a biner that he grew a lung made entirely of tumors
by Dankmememasterpapi69 April 16, 2018
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A man who is incredibly whipped
Did you hear about joe, he is so whipped
by Dankmememasterpapi69 October 13, 2019
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A mark rarely found on the face of young children whom measure their height with shoes on and resemble a dried up noodle. The shit stain is a mark of Satan and over time it can cause the sufferer to grow extra chromosomes
Yo my mate Tiernan has a shit stain on his face that nibba fucked
by Dankmememasterpapi69 April 16, 2018
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A teacher who often enjoys praying on young children in his storeroom
“You hear luke got called into McGowans store, that’s the third time this week he’s definitely being fiddled
by Dankmememasterpapi69 April 16, 2018
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