11 definitions by Danielle Danielle

An excuse for teenagers to rub up on each other. Girls shake their ass onto a guys dick while he tries to hide the fact that this is making him want to rip of her clothes right then and there. It's like sex, with clothes on.
Person 1: You see them "dirty dancing"?
Person 2: More like sex on hard wood.
by Danielle Danielle January 8, 2009
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The book designed for teenage girls to get off to and teenage boys to secretly read under their covers with a flashlight each night trying to feed off of what Edward does in hopes of getting a few pointers in winning girls over. Everyone will have negative things to say about this but all I can say is, congrats Stephanie Meyer; you sure won over the minds of a billion hormonal teenage girls by talking about Edward's chizzled jawline for 4 books straight.
"Really, what's the plot?"
"Uhmm..... IDK but Edward, the vampire boy, IS SO FUCKING HAWWTTT."
by Danielle Danielle January 8, 2009
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The man who is hated by the entire world because they have to blame someone when things go wrong. Who better to blame than the president? Whether you like it or not he held the lives of millions in the palm of his hand you can't even fathom that kind of pressure. Yes, he did send our soilders over to Iraq to do, idk, THEIR FUCKING JOB. You did not know whether or not there were nuclear warheads in Iraq, and neither did the rest of the U.S. So he sent our troops over there to check shit out, oh idk, BECAUSE OUR COUNTRY FUCKING VOTED TO DO JUST THAT. Now that we haven't found any nuclear warheads, everyone is quick to hate on the president.

Most people hate him for the following reasons:
1) They compare him to Clinton or presidents that ran our country when there wasn't a war. Oh yeah, that's because CILNTON WAS A FUCKING DRAFT DODGER. HE LET FOREIGN SOILDERS DRAG THE BODIES OF OUR DEAD SOILDERS THROUGH THE STREETS AND DIDN'T DO SHIT ABOUT IT.
2) It's the cool thing to do.
3) It's the cool thing to do.
4) It's the cool thing to do.
"George Bush is the worst president we've ever had."
"Oh just wait, our country is getting run by Obama now :)"
by Danielle Danielle January 10, 2009
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Music is the only thing that makes sense anymore.

"Music is this only thing that this bickering world can agree on."
by Danielle Danielle January 13, 2009
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Usually labeled as a 'girl' thing, but is more than half of the time caused by men.

Girl drama examples and scenarios that are caused by men-
2) Girl 1- "Michael told me he liked me last night at the football game!"
Girl 2- "Really? 'Cause Michael told ME he liked ME last night at the football game."
3) "He says if I love him.. I'll have sex with him."
4) He had sex with me and then completely stopped talking to me :( @#$@#*$
5) He told his girlfriend that I was all over him and now she is comin' at my trying to fight!!@#$@#$

As you can see, women are usually the pons of drama and boys are the ones controlling the chess pieces. They love to feel like they are the reason a girl is getting so worked up or they are in between two girls fighting over them.

Drama goes both ways.
But no matter what gender,
it's still pointless.
"Drama is just something girls say they hate but in the end are always in the middle of."
"And boys are different because...?"
"Well men fight when they have problems with one another."
"Fighting is drama."
"... Well.. uhh."
by Danielle Danielle January 11, 2009
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One day you fall in love with this boy.. and he touches you with his fingers and he burns holes in your skin with his mouth.. and it hurts when you look at him.. and it hurts when you don't.. and it feels like someone has cut you open with a jagged piece of glass.

It is the best and the worst feeling in the world where you give someone the absolute power to hurt you and know you in ways no one else can.
I can't describe love any better than that.
by Danielle Danielle January 11, 2009
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The replacement of education for our technology dependent society.

533 billion googles are made in a day.

"What's uh.. 2+2?"
"Google it."
by Danielle Danielle January 9, 2009
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