5 definitions by Dane Roberts

A Lieberman (or to "Pull a Lieberman") is the act of winning something despite failing support (more specifically, winning an election when your party turns against you).
Bob just pulled a Lieberman; he won the race even after all of his friends said he wouldn't.
by Dane Roberts April 12, 2007
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Comparable to a shrug (in body language), it is a word of indifference that expresses a state of apathy.
"What did you think about that movie," she asked. "Nugh," he stated in return.
by Dane Roberts February 1, 2006
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A relationship status that essentially conveys that "it's not going to work out." The term "complicated," masks the truth of the situation for the two in the relationship, but everyone else knows what "complicated" means.
Billy and Jane hadn't seen each other in sometime. When confronted by George, Billy said that his relationship was "complicated."
by Dane Roberts January 14, 2007
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The almost orgasmic feeling one has after watching an exciting episode of Battlestar Galactica.
Kevin could not sustain a galactigasm after Adama's brilliant handling of the Cylon threat.
by Dane Roberts December 10, 2006
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