13 definitions by DancingKali

A conformist passing herself off as a nonconformist by going to great lengths to conform to an allegedly nonconforming alternative conformity rather than conforming to the mainstream conformity that she thinks is stiflingly conformist.

Marked by a notable lack of originality and creativity, an absence of genuine artistic talent, and carefully maintained escape routes so that she can give up the game when it stops being convenient.
It costs her a lot of money to look so down-and-out." "Yeah, fauxhemianism is an expensive lifestyle.
by DancingKali March 24, 2011
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That ever-expanding collection of sexual minorities that identify themselves with initialisms or acronyms that are more or less completely opaque to the uninitiated.

Includes, principally, the LGBT spectrum (LGBTQIQGQASA...) and the kink spectrum (BDSM, CBT, D/s, etc.)
Quinn was an asexual lesbian hermaphrodite, and a submissive masochist -- and therefore didn't swim in the alphabet soup, but dived in it.
by DancingKali June 1, 2011
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The sudden 180-degree whiplash that the typical female teen pop star undergoes at a certain magical age. Her public/stage persona, until this time, accentuated her virginity, purity, and innocence. Suddenly, Daddy's little girl morphs into PowerSlut Girl, and her stage persona and performance incorporate pole-dancing, nearly transparent clothing, exaggerated sexuality, and raunchy language and content.

The Age 18 About-Face can be avoided by a singer who has genuine talent and is something more than a music-industry manufactured product, but realistically, how many female teenage pop singers fill that bill?
You know J. Random Teenie-Singer, that blonde Momon purity queen whose hymen seems to be worshiped by half the music industry? Yeah, there are a lot of middle-aged men slavering for a year from now when she pulls her Age 18 About-Face.
by DancingKali April 11, 2011
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A particular cinematic genre, characteristic of but not limited to the Lifetime Network, a/k/a "Television for Women who Conform to our Distorted Stereotype of our Target Demographic".

An extremely ominous phrase, "Lifetime Original Movie" heralds the advent of extreme tear-jerky melodrama, much gratuitous violence against (upper-middle-class white) women, and an unsubtle implication that men exist only to harm and exploit women.

The phrase can also refer to real-life versions of similar over-the-top pseudofeminist melodrama.
Whoa ... we are dealing with some heavy Lifetime Original Movie here.
by DancingKali March 24, 2011
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When you see a girl walking around with seven ponytails, each one in a different completely unnatural colour, standard-issue piercings in all the standard-issue places, and standard-issue tattoos all over the place ... in an outfit of that special over-the-top gothic style that marks someone who's trying way too hard ... and who has obviously sunk many hours of time, many thousands of dollars, and her future prospects for a career outside the sex industry into looking like a bizarre species of camwhore, odds are she holds a diploma from this fine institution.
Wow! Another proud graduate of the Suicide Girls Academy of Style!" "Shit, doesn't she know that even the Suicide Girls don't wear that crap on the street?
by DancingKali March 24, 2011
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A person with persistent, possibly permanent, sexual incapacity -- inability to achieve either erection or orgasm, or drastically reduced libido -- due to the side effects of SSRI antidepressants.
Uh, hon, you might think twice about going with that SSRI victim -- if you want a sex life, that is.
by DancingKali May 4, 2011
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There are people who consider themselves pro-life. They are eager to stand and scream in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic (harassing women going in for Pap smears but not actually stopping even one abortion). However, they don't seem the least bit interested in opposing war or capital punishment (which would really save lives).

They also seem uninterested in addressing rape, incest, poverty, economic and social injustice, lack of access to adequate nutrition, lack of access to adequate health care, or sexual ignorance -- all of which are factors that drive the rate of abortion.

This leads outside observers to the conclusion that such people are more interested in being seen to be publicly righteous than in actually furthering the values they claim to uphold. I tell you, they have their reward.
"You hear Ms. Catholic over there calling for that guy to be executed?" -- "Yeah, she's totally pseudo pro-life. Consistent ethic of life, my ass."
by DancingKali August 13, 2011
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