14 definitions by Dalton

ok the first time i rote this i spelled things rowng!kk i love sooey she is the best person in the world.i love you sooey i love you like a monkey loves bananas lol I LOVE SOOEY
i love soo so much that it like omg i love her !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is my sooey 101
by Dalton November 11, 2004
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Shpam comes from the word spam. Shpam is spam made out of shapes.
Shapes + spam = shpam
by Dalton May 11, 2004
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Used to represent the value of nothing, zero (0), zip.
Jim: Hey, I'm broke. Can I borrow some cash from you? How much do you have?
John: Sorry, Zilch!
by Dalton April 30, 2004
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A silly or cute alternative of the word evil.
You're such an ebil bashturd!
by Dalton April 21, 2004
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a greating like hello, that can be used with friend or foe, when knowing the person's name or even when you don't (funnier if you don't)
person one: here comes that fag. i can't rememeber his name.
person two: hey guys!
person one: sup dick?
by Dalton April 21, 2005
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A drink, that kids drink. also comes in strawberry and vanilla
Billy isnt gay, but he drinks Chocolate Milk Shakes
by Dalton August 18, 2003
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Again, another version of own or pwn.
"Dude, that nub just got OENT!"
by Dalton May 10, 2004
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