3 definitions by DaRealKey

To constantly do something, like constantly watching anime all day instead of going outside and enjoying the beautiful sunshine.
What a depressed introvert.
i'm constify thinking of a sentence
by DaRealKey April 12, 2019
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Uselegantic is where something is useless, and gigantic at the same time.
Guy 1: Bro this cup is so uselegantic!

Guy 2: Yeah i know! It's sooo big!
by DaRealKey November 13, 2019
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Here are a list of things to do if you get scammed:
tell ur grandma, if she's not dead
tell ur pet rock
dlet ur acount
kill ze sca,,er
Friend 1: Bro, what can you do if you get scammed?

Friend 2: tell ur grandma, if she's not dead

Friend 1: dead, next

Friend 2: tell ur pet rock

Friend 1: oh thanks mate!
by DaRealKey November 13, 2019
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