15 definitions by Da Zeg

1.n. Someone or something which serves absolutley no purpose what so ever.

2.n. Someone with nothing to do

Same as empty tracksuit
1. You can't even wire a plug you burst couch

2. My friends didn't show so I was left kicking round the town center like a burst couch.
by Da Zeg January 8, 2005
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As in "grizzly bear" rhyming slang for nightmare. Usually used when someone's attempts at something are not met with success.
You're having a grizzly son you've died ten times and not made a single kill yet
by Da Zeg January 8, 2005
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Substitute for "Bang" "Whallop" and similar words when referring to an impact.
she snuck up behind him and Cunto! she skelped him with a b-bat
by Da Zeg January 10, 2005
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A neverending puzzle game made originally for sega's 16bit arcade hardware and ported to the Megadrive.

Was later ported to the 8bit Master System but the less said about that the better.

Often wrongly referred to as a "tetris clone" as the gameplay is completley different - colored gems must be aligned together to destroy them and prevent them filling the screen. Columns pwns Tetris' ass all night long

This was where the fun began, Without the arcade's timing system constantly badgering you for money you are free to start a game of colums and forfeit the rest of the day. The haunting music in your dreams for eternity.

Eventually as the game speeds up the gems can be slowed by "dropping" them, but by this stage you aint blinked in an hour and the game seems to be playing itself any way.

More adictive than crack; A truly great game.

Is basically a metaphor for life, but I aint got time to explain

A universal excuse for not doing something.
I got home from school and started a game of columns, next thing I knew, my alarm clock was going off.

Teacher: Where's your homework??
Student: Well... You see I was gonna do it but I started a game of columns
Teacher: OK, have it as soon as you can, you should go home and get some sleep, you look terrible.
by Da Zeg March 27, 2005
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Term used to descripe the large gap between the top of the tires and the weel arches on an unmodifed car.
That suspension needs lowered, the cars floating on a magic carpet
by Da Zeg January 8, 2005
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Next-day after curry anal effects on someone not used to spicy food.

It burns as it comes out
Shouldn't have had the vindaloo last night had a burnout this morning
by Da Zeg January 8, 2005
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Ned slang for the jakey stigmatised beverage Buckfast. A "tonic wine" only ever drank by Neds who think it makes them solid or more mature alcoholics who cannot afford real booze
Haw you ya bass gie me buccy or ah'l knock fuck oot ae yae
by Da Zeg January 8, 2005
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