22 definitions by DP

The next day feeling of positive vibes in a state of being that can only be described as euphoric. The feeling tends to last for hours, and is enhanced by the use of marijuana. People in this state are happy, relaxed and filled with love and in tune with their body. Music can greatly enhance the feeling of "glowsticking", and is usually preferenced by deep house and soft progressive genres. Being in the same company of people "glowsticking" is advised, but not necessary.
Man, I am glowsticking and this sounds amazing. Pass me the joint, thanks, I love you.
by DP May 26, 2014
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highly successful Puerto Rican American who has learned to hire people who can keep her image in the media far beyond the level her talent would otherwise suggest.
Jennifer Lopez was on tv tonight on six different stations just because her marriage is on again/off again/on again/off again. Should we really care so much about celebrities. They are just like us, only rich beyond our wildest imaginations.
by DP September 22, 2003
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word used instead of an answer in a class
teacher: james what is 7x8
me: shlime!
by DP March 30, 2005
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perhaps the sexiest man alive, but also the fourth largest queer. once seen eating his own detachable penis, the jaceman! is never a bore. pros: sexy bod, lady skills, herpes. cons: bad breath, fblp, herpes.
one time the jaceman! and myself were shooting craps. i says to the jaceman!, "hey, the jaceman!, wtf?" the jaceman! replies, "huh?" and i shot him
by DP April 6, 2005
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people gathering for an event or activity - origin Nigella Lawson, British chef
Before I knew it, 15 friends came pitching up for dinner.
by DP June 25, 2003
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Daaaamn, Rosie O'Donnel is the biggest B.A.RW I've ever seen!!
by DP April 16, 2004
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