66 definitions by DJ

1. a cocktail beverage consisting of orange juice, sprite, & bacardi o

2. a female's naughty region
You're such a poonswa; I drank your poonswa in my bed AND shower
by DJ March 28, 2005
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Leave a spark patch with your knee
Man, I need a new visor, cause you Roached in front of me.
by DJ October 23, 2003
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I went to the nursing home the other day only to find one of the residents giving another a TR Evans.
by DJ February 24, 2005
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1 pill of xanax is called a bar. you do the math
"you wouldnt happen to have a couple bars i could buy off you?"
by DJ March 16, 2005
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The fear of being pursued by timber wolves around a kitchen table whilst wearing socks on a newly waxed floor.
As the dogs approached little Matty, it re-kindled his luposlipaphobia, as he sat at the table in his new fluffy warm socks.
by DJ August 20, 2004
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