15 definitions by DEADMEAT

"Man I am beat, I think I 'm gonna hit the roosk"?
by DEADMEAT April 6, 2013
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1.The state a person is in after consumption of many, if not all drugs causing total impairment of physical and mental control and awareness.

2.To be twisted beyond all recognition.

3.Totally fucked up.

4.To physically beat someone to a bloody pulp; destroyed.
"Yo, I got so monkied up last night in Vegas, I ended up tooling some 75 year old woman named Blanche".

"Dorothy fought Sally last night at the bar and Dorothy got monkied up big time".
by DEADMEAT July 16, 2013
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-A vulgar term used to describe a person whose opinion is held in very low regard and considered irrelevant.

- Worthless individual.
unfortunately This years Presidential candidate is a total jackwagon.
by DEADMEAT October 28, 2020
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(adj.) The end result of consuming to many illicit, recreational, and or prescription drugs to acheive a euphoric sensation.
-High as a kite.
-Totally inibriated
Yo Leroy ...look at that clown Mark drooling on himself , he must be totally spagackled huh?
by DEADMEAT February 23, 2017
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The act of boasting ,displaying or "Featuring" if you will, about something so precious that your being enamored by it would be an understatement.

To hold in the utmost highest regard imaginable to which that it becomes unreal.

To flaunt and champion some super hot chic in front of your associates, peers or nemesis as a display of machismo.
"Yo did you see that piece of ass Jimbo was showcasing at the race track on Saturday"?
by DEADMEAT July 2, 2013
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Tina is so fucking hot, man I would love to tool her...bigtime!
by DEADMEAT April 6, 2013
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-Phrase to describe something so worn out and abused it is no longer recognizable and useless
" Yo I saw six different dudes walk out of Suzies house within 3 hours ...her shit must be caved in by now"!
by DEADMEAT July 20, 2021
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