1 definition by DBBitches

Jellyfishing is a term used to describe a feeling experienced in two circumstances:

1) Post-coital jizz lingering in your vaginal passage following unprotected sex.
2) Whilst experiencing the heavier side of your menstrual cycle.

In both instances, usually when moving from a horizontal or seated position to standing, the squeezy 'splodge'-like feeling of each substance exiting the mouth of the vagina feels like that of a jellyfish squirming its way out.

*Note*: neither can be felt whilst a tampon is in use as this stems the requisite out-flow prior to its exit.
1) Can I borrow a pad? Jack and I banged 4 times last night and I'm seriously Jellyfishing today!

2) FYI, this period is a heavier one and I'm Jellyfishing so much right now.
by DBBitches January 19, 2017
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