12 definitions by DAVnCHAINS

When a straight woman ends up fucking another woman.
Dude I saw your ex-girlfriend with Stacey, she got the Beaver Fever!!
by DAVnCHAINS February 20, 2015
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(noun) - When a bitch or cunt is out of character by being nice.
Suzie is being really nice, maybe she's changed.

No she didn't she's just cuntstipated.
by DAVnCHAINS December 7, 2010
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The problem of being so tired that you cannot fall asleep.
Dude, I got like 2 hours of sleep last night, hopefully when I get out of work I wont be too exhaustipated to go to bed.
by DAVnCHAINS December 27, 2013
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Hey Mike you coming to the party tonight? Jimmy's bringing some girls that are down to party. Why you offering me this? You know I'm under cuntract.
by DAVnCHAINS July 30, 2013
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The math a younger girl does when she meets an older guy in a bar, where she finds how old she was when you were her age.
I'm too old to meet women in bars anymore, I don't need there barithmetic, making me feel older than I am!
by DAVnCHAINS March 31, 2015
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An exaggerated number to suggest someone has too many of something.
Waiting for my girlfriend to get ready takes an eternity when she’s got eleventy shoes to choose from!
by DAVnCHAINS December 27, 2017
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A redneck skill or talent that the rest of the world deems useless, unnecessary or disgusting.
Bobby Ray bathes and makes his moonshine at the same time. What hillbility do you have?
by DAVnCHAINS April 15, 2014
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