107 definitions by D. Gould

A person perpetually intoxicated on weekends. May not partake during the work week, but overindulges every weekend consistently.
"He drank nine beers, over three hours Saturday night. Suffice to say, he's a weekend alcoholic."
by D. Gould February 19, 2006
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The side effects felt the morning after one has been dosed with Rohypnol. Some of which includes dizziness, drowsiness, headaches, memory imparement, and stomach problems.
"You look like shit. You hung over?"

"I should't be. I only had three beers."

"Uh oh! You got the Roofie Flu!"
by D. Gould March 7, 2009
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1.) Sex between homos, within the confines of a bathhouse.

2.) Any required self-defense technique, to avert such an unwanted sexual advance in said bathhouse.
"Don't go into that steamroom. There's some serious bathhouse jiu-jitsu going on."
by D. Gould July 5, 2006
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When traffic comes to a complete hault, at a highway offramp, because of squeegie kids panning for change. One driver inevitably gives in, and therefore causes the resulting gridlock.
"The light's green. Why aren't we moving?"

"There's a gutterpunk on the island, conducting a highway hijack."
by D. Gould February 8, 2007
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A sport bike rider, infamous for their insane hijynks. Often observed pulling endos, wheelies, burnouts, and burying their speedo on the highway. Much like "street squid", they rarely wear the proper riding apparel. Ranked as the following:

1.) "H.I.T." (Hooligan In Training)- Beginner.

2.) "Resident" Hooligan- Intermediate.

3.) "Confirmed" Hooligan- Professional.
"How long's Mark had his GSXR?"

"About two seasons. Since then, he's laid it down twice pulling endos, and got busted for doing 160km's on the highway. At this point, he's a confirmed hooligan."
by D. Gould June 9, 2006
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The after hours, alter ego, of any "Coffee Time" donut shop. This transformation occurs, when the local Gothic bar or nightclub closes its doors for the evening, and the vampire people congregate there. It being the only place still open, at that hour of night.
"Welcome to Coffin Time...Would you like a side order of blood with your donut, FREAK?"
by D. Gould July 3, 2006
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The degree in which an act or behaviour is defined, in regards to its level of 'creepiness'. Does not necessairly refer to outright disgust and repulsion. But more along the deviation, of social norms and sensibilities.
"I saw dude macking on his stepsister. That's got a creep factor of ten!"
by D. Gould February 1, 2006
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