6 definitions by D-FOES

$5 worth of bud. Should be enough for More like 4 joints, but now-a-days most dealers slang bags that can only roll 2 and possibly a bowl.
*see examples above*
by D-FOES October 29, 2003
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a "Marijuana cigarette" that is more like a blunt then a joint. Rolled with two zags. Basically a blunt without the cigar shell
Hey homie, fuk-a joint, roll a fukin spliff cuzin
by D-FOES October 29, 2003
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another word for "HOMIE" or "FRIEND".
a ebonicized word for "PARTNER"
I was chill wit ma patna Tommy tom the otha day and he was like "Hey patna, pass that fuckin spliff."
by D-FOES November 2, 2003
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dawg i rolled that primo with a fukin 8-ball cuzzin
by D-FOES October 29, 2003
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a "marijuana cigerette" rolled using a rolling paper. Usually cost $2.
Hey homeboi, pass that fuckin' join
by D-FOES November 2, 2003
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*Hash is not the crystals thats ar exracted from bud. That's Kief
Hash is the product that comes from processing marijuana by way of alcohol, then cooked at a low tempurature. Another common way of obtaining hash is by rubbing many fresh buds until a sticky residue is built up. the residue is also hash.
AYO homeboi, sprinkle some hash up in da' sheet
by D-FOES October 29, 2003
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