12 definitions by CutieFox9

Something that is considered regular or normal, but only due to one's personal experience.
Pronounced "teh-hue-all-er"
Waiter: What will you be ordering?
Customer: The usual.
Waiter: Just because it's tehualr to you doesn't mean I know what your 'usual' is. Tell me the actual order!
by CutieFox9 May 6, 2024
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What you can say if you just don't feel like saying the B word.
No B-word in particular, just like... it could literally be any of them. Use context clues to figure out which one might be referred to when used in a sentence.
Also sometimes spelled as B*, B-, B), or simply just B.
by CutieFox9 July 3, 2023
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an exclamation used when a person is overwhelmingly overjoyed. pronounced "nuh-d-kuh-sk-ahk"
must be in all caps
Person A: Will you marry me?
Person B: NDDKSKAK!!! YES!!!!!!!!
by CutieFox9 July 16, 2023
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A crossword game with made up words, typically for the purpose of a quick laugh or to confuse the player.
I found this crossword website, but I couldn't beat it! One of the words was "fenctibrate", so it was totally just a blopplegooba.
by CutieFox9 May 5, 2024
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