17 definitions by Curt

Someone who is significantly older than those he or she associates with.
You’re 45 and you still hang out in the ball pit at Discovery Zone... You’re such an obijohnshinobi.
by Curt July 20, 2004
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an onomatopoeia

a word used when sticking something into another something that is usually soft and wet and sometimes warm
"dude i stuck in in there and it was like *ploik*
by Curt May 27, 2004
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a TV show that is to addictive where rich teenage boys and girls act like they have "problems"

see crack
or bitchboy
dude1:"are you watching the OC?"
dude2:"that shows so addictive its like crack"
dude1:"why the hell is it, it's full of little bitchboys?"
by Curt January 8, 2005
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