73 definitions by Croatalin

US Army slang common during the Vietnam War, although possibly originating much earlier than this. It means a soldier who is a combat virgin who has not been 'blooded' and, therefore, one whose behaviour in combat is unpredictable. The arrival of a new soldier as a replacement in an established unit was always difficult, hence the referral to such an arrival as FNG (Fucking New Guy). Where this soldier had not seen combat the difficulty was compounded and the established troops viewed them with suspicion as an unknown quantity.
We just got a load of replacements for the guys evaced out last week, no lifers all FNG cherries.
by Croatalin April 27, 2014
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An alternative spelling for heel. The word itself is usually applied to someone who is a total tosser, waste of space or OIC and derives from the British upper class pronounciation of 'hole' (heale) an abbreviation of the word 'arsehole' (awseheale). It was used by upper classes as an 'in' word to describe people they didn't like, social climbers, nouveau riche and so on who wouldn't know what it meant. It gained wider usage due to the internet and period dramas so more and more people found out what it meant and began using it. It's major use now is when some upper class twit, or someone who thinks thay are, wants to pile on the agony and uses it about someone knowing that they will overhear or that it will get back to them and that they know what it means.
I say Samantha, that dreadful creature Malcolm something-or-other is positively fawning over everyone?
Oh God! What a complete heale!
by Croatalin January 12, 2014
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Pain in the bum is a British slang equivalent of pain in the ass. The bum in this case isn't an American bum, but a English bum which is a slightly less vulgar equivalent of arse, or if you are American ass. At one time, certainly during during the seventeenth century the word bum wasn't considered vulgar at all, one Gentleman Soldier, fighting for the King during the English Civil War, recorded how on one occasion the going was so difficult that he "slipped and fell on my bum".
Malcolm is a total pain in the bum!
My, aren't you polite.
by Croatalin January 16, 2014
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Originally a medical term, rectalgia is a pain in the rectum, now being applied to people who are a pain in the arse.
Malcolm, with his clumsiness and stupidity causes acute and widespread rectalgia
by Croatalin December 30, 2014
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British expression of contempt. Originally a British female author who wrote incredibly predictable chick lit and was famous for a number of reason, such as having the longest entry in the publication "who's Who"; a belief that despite advanced age and decrepitude she was incredibly attractive to the male sex; the belief that under no circumstances could she possibly be wrong. Now expanded in use to describe any pretentious, arrogant, unattractive female with delusions about her looks, talent, knowledge and so on. If you see one coming towards you run as fast as possible in the other direction or arrange for her to be abducted by aliens and taken to a far galaxy.
Jane's had a poem published in a free magazine, now she's acting like she's won the Nobel prize for literature.
That stupid munter? What a Barbara Cartland!
by Croatalin April 24, 2014
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TABU is an British Army acronym and stands for Typical Army Balls Up and is used to describe the things that shouldn't go wrong but do. Is used in a similar context to the US Army SNAFU.
During the Korean War, American REMFs in charge of logistics and supply were told to supply American troops before their allies. What was meant of course was to ensure that American troops had ammunition and essentials before supplying these to their allies. This was misunderstood and as a result, American troops were being supplied with Coca Cola before British troops were getting ammunition.

When informed of the situation the Colonel of one British regiment supposedly grimaced and muttered TABU before ensuring that the situation was corrected. Though whether by TABU he meant the error in the supply priorities or the Americans being in charge of supply is open to conjecture.
by Croatalin November 18, 2013
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US Army derogatory term for a non-combat soldier or an officer who calls unnecessary drills or parades.
Get with it! The new Lt wants us to parade for a kit inspection!
Sheeit! That STRAC REMF is a real ground pounder!
by Croatalin November 7, 2013
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