8 definitions by CriticalDesign

What used to be "Freedom of religion, and lack of deity" has become "Freedom of complaining about other religions...and lack of deity."

Beliefs make sense, but the complete irony of their thoughts on other religions (Christians, especially.) contrasts with the fact that they don't want religion pushed upon them.
Atheist - *Achoo!*
Catholic - God bless you!
Atheist - Uh excuse me, I'm an atheist, don't push that tooth fairy stuff on me.

Modern atheism.
by CriticalDesign December 29, 2007
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1. A contract killer.

2. The best type of girlfriend to have. If you have an assassin girlfriend, you got twice the ass for the price of one.
1. Are you a real assassin? Bill at the office has been bugging me, can you fix that?

2. To get an assassin girlfriend is way better than getting a BOOBY TRAP girlfriend.
by CriticalDesign January 9, 2008
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A word spawned from "That's a wrap!" after performances by MCs.

It is not a music genre, but actually a form of vocal delivery. See Hip-Hop for the musical genre.
Guy: I listen to rap.
Other Guy: I didn't know you listened to the fast vocal delivery of reading lyrics.
by CriticalDesign December 29, 2007
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Usually referring to when someone wants to be random, but just ends up looking really, really stupid.
Hernandez : Dude, you're totally randumb, stop trying.
by CriticalDesign January 13, 2008
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Known more famously as a musical genre, but is also a culture. Hip hop is often referred to as "dead", or "dying".

In actuality, it is only part of Hip Hop that is dying, and that is mainstream. I don't need MTV, BET, or Much Music to live my music for me, so as long as me, or anyone else enjoys Hip Hop, it will be alive.

Hip Hop MUSIC can range from slow, slurring speech with digital beats and a heavy bassline,known as gangsta rap, or southern rap, which is mostly responsible for the "death" Hip Hop, to fast, crisp lyrical delivery with the instrumentals ranging from a multitude of sounds and instruments.
Guy 1 - Hip-Hop is garbage, it's all about guns, and bitches.
Guy 2 - But aren't you playing Counter-Strike, and your in-game spray paint has a nude woman on it?
by CriticalDesign December 29, 2007
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One of the fastest rappers out there, next to Bone Thugs N Harmony. Set 2 of the fastest rapping records out there. Unfortunately, the record was taken by Ricky Brown with the song "No Clue".
Twista has some fast raps, with a great pronunciation.
by CriticalDesign August 7, 2007
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The number one cause of disciplined children all over the world. (Though mainly of Portuguese descent) The wooden spoon is a dangerous weapon capable of ending the tantrum of even the most stubborn child.
No, mom! Not the wooden spoon! No I promise I won't throw anymore pipe bombs!
by CriticalDesign April 10, 2008
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