2 definitions by Creed of Heresy

Generally any situation or scene in a movie, cartoon, comic, or even real life in which a scene is done specifically to cater to what the fans want to see, divorced from a plot or any other non-catering need. Often mistaken as invented by Japanese anime, the truth of the matter is that Hollywood movies and American TV shows in particular had been using this concept for years, if not decades, before anime ever even existed; however, the coined word itself DID start within anime fandoms to reference scenes of near-nudity that held no part to the overall plot of the episode/movie/etc.
The first film to involve nudity in the US was 1959, whereas the advent of the modern style and tradition of anime was in the late 60's, hence fanservice existed prior to anime.
by Creed of Heresy January 28, 2011
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A specially-trained elite special operations component of the US Army. Rangers are not just Army; they also consist of foreign military personnel and other US military personnel who have passed Ranger school; these men and women who do not continue to serve in the Rangers but have passed Ranger school are known as "Ranger-qualified," basically meaning they completed Ranger Boot Camp. Ranger training is a 9-10 week training program for becoming Ranger-qualified, and personnel who become Ranger-qualified may then continue their training in a wide variety of fields; a "fully-trained" Ranger can have up to, and in some cases more than, three years of training and will be fully-versed in urban combat, mountaineering, combat first-aid, sniping/marksmanship, data mining, combat engineering (fancy talk for demolitions), hand-to-hand combat, knife-based combat (including throwing blades), civil pacification, jungle warfare, survival-and-evasion, artillery operation, pathfinding...the list goes on.

It should be mentioned that SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape) training is often an integral part of a Ranger bound for dedicated combat duties...and it should also be mentioned that the training methods, which teaches participants how to resist interrogation in captivity...are classified. You can probably guess why.
Ranger: I finished all my training finally.

How many ways can you kill a man by now?

Ranger: With which finger?

Uh, pinky.

Ranger: 67 with my pinky alone.

So Chuck Norris has been dethroned?

Ranger: Chuck Norris was dethroned the moment the first Ranger Tab was pinned on a guy's sleeve.
by Creed of Heresy August 27, 2010
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