18 definitions by Crazybmws

British slang; impossibly drunk and so far gone that indescribable things will happen. The worst possible case of being drunk, above battered.
Whoa mate, you're shell. I'll call a taxi.
by Crazybmws December 12, 2011
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A nicer way of referring to a drug dealer
I'm out to go to the exotic pharmacist, anyone want something?
by Crazybmws November 19, 2011
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When a girl masturbates with a dildo. If she masturbates with a metal object, then the phrase would be beat the steel.
My girlfriend loves to beat the plastic and then send me pictures when I am not around
by Crazybmws March 16, 2011
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adj: shorthand for modern, specifically describes something that has very horizontal or vertical lines.
That limo is so mod.
by Crazybmws October 1, 2011
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Phase, used after forgetting a one liner

as used by Sterling Archer
Archer: Damn, I had something for this, too... um... damn it. Eat grenade, stupids!
by Crazybmws April 13, 2011
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acronym for 'so far gone'. Can refer to someone literally or figuratively.
-Man, you see that kid? He is wasted.
--Yeah he's SFG.

*You hear what O'Donnell did during the football game? He's SFG.
**Yeah they'll string him by his panties for that one....
by Crazybmws December 12, 2011
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noun; the act of being on an internet enabled device for no reason other than the pleasure of oneself.
"There's been a lot of device masturbation, if you will, and it needs to stop. I know your just updating your Facebook 15 times a minute, and there is no reason for it." My history professor.
by Crazybmws September 22, 2011
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