21 definitions by Crazy68

When your Famous and you have an accident due to an angry wife finding out about your "escapades" and several people including the CHP and people from the public media, begin to ask you personal questions.
Buddy: Why did you wreck your car Mr. Professional Golfer?
PG: I would like to keep this a private matter between my wife and family.
Buddy: Why?
PG: because I am very concerned about family.
Buddy: oh, I see, you just be busting out with a Tiger Block
PG: yes, hahaha, yes I concur.
by Crazy68 December 2, 2009
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1. when you pull out and ejaculate all over someones asscheeks.2. when you take your penis and use it to smear the nuttbutter around the asscheeks like a cinnabun
I love that bitch, she really digs it when I be assglazing her face down in the pillow!!
by Crazy68 September 2, 2009
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1. vapor emitted from the intestinal tract, that exits from the rectum. 2. the apearence of warm air, emiting from one's ass on a cold day
damn what the fuck is that cloud coming out your butt? it's booty smoke!
by Crazy68 October 20, 2009
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an old cranky character. a hunched over senior with a bad attitude.
damn your old ass grandmama is a freaking curmudgeon!
by Crazy68 August 21, 2009
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An idiot, a boob, a foolish individual. usually stated in frustration. (older slang term)
get outta my way you muggwump!!
by Crazy68 August 21, 2009
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1. A Mirriage is an illusion of a marriage. 2. A description of a doomed union based on mis-conceptions and not being thouroughly finished sowing one's oats or seeding numerous Bar- Hostesses and Cheerleaders. Happens alot in pro sports
dude: "why'd he Marry that bitch, if he was going to be fuckin' n sucking every bar-hop on his PGA tour?"
dude ett: "that was no Marriage Foo!, that was a Mirriage, you fuckin bitch, now go make me a sandwich!!!"
dude: " y-yes h-h-honeycakes."
by Crazy68 December 3, 2009
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1. The sound you make when you pass enormous gas.
2. A fart Bubble
3. A bad diarrhea fart, the kind that forces you to wear an adult diaper for the duration of the sickness.
Tim: I am going to bust a blut.
Fraulein: Can I roll down the window in zee Volkswagen?
Tim: too late! Leiden Sie, wench!
Fraulein: Ach! Nein!
by Crazy68 November 7, 2019
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