76 definitions by Cranberry Bob

When people refer to Turdistan, they are referring to Alabama.
Montgomery is the capital of Turdistan, Alabama; and Birmingham is its largest city.
by Cranberry Bob December 26, 2019
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When someone or something went tits up, it means that he, she, or it died.
The Trump campaign went tits up.
by Cranberry Bob June 15, 2020
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"I hear banjo music" refers to isolated, dangerous places; with an allusion to the film Deliverance (1972).
We're really in the boonies. I hear banjo music.
by Cranberry Bob December 4, 2019
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A dyslexic agnostic is one who is uncertain as to the existence of dog.
Tom was a dyslexic agnostic: he was uncertain as to the existence of dog.
by Cranberry Bob May 18, 2021
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In certain parts of New Orleans, "courage" is synonymous for pep or energy.
I don't have any courage today; I guess I need a tonic or something.
by Cranberry Bob January 6, 2020
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According to Walt Kelly, we sing:

"Deck us all with Boston Charlie,
Walla Walla, Wash. and Kalamazoo.
Nora's freezing on the trolley,
Swaller dollar cauliflower alley'garoo!
Don't we know archaic barrel
Lullaby lilla boy, Louisville Lou?
Trolley Molly don't love Harold
Boola boola Pensacoola hullabaloo!"
When we go Christmas caroling, we end it with Boston Charlie.
by Cranberry Bob January 14, 2020
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When a person would like to comment on a useless feature on something, he or she can compare it to a duck wearing a necktie.
Cut out vents and a fox tail on the antenna? That's like a duck wearing a necktie.
by Cranberry Bob January 16, 2020
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