161 definitions by Craig

1. Grand Theft Auto, the crime of thieving a vehicle.

2. Grand Theft Auto. An extrememly popular and controversial video game series in which you take on the role of a character (character differs through-out the different games) and act out crimes whilst completing missions. The latest installment in the series, GTA San Andreas, is probably the best by far to most with many more things to do such as get girlfriends, burgle houses and a load of over crazy stuff. Also a great game if you like massacring people.
1. James was sent to jail for GTA.

2. Have you played GTA San Andreas.?

No, my mum says it depicts to much
violence and scenes of a sexual

by Craig January 1, 2005
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A phrase to describe getting the short end of the stick, or being left holding the bag! From the literal: group of guys having a circle jerk "on" a cookie placed in the middle of the group. The last one to climax has to "eat the cookie".
John was the one left to eat the cookie when all his friends found chicks to hook up with at the bar.
by Craig June 19, 2006
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A boagan is an aussie beer drinking bloke who wears tight jeans and a checked shirt and has a mullet
nobody likes a boagan
look at that dero boagan
by Craig March 2, 2005
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One of the funniest movie makers on the net. Some hate him because of his fame for work that normally he has no effort making but it's very good stuff. His claymations are hilarious and so are his movie dubs, yes NewGrounds, the website he submits most of his work to is a Flash site but if you got something good and can import it into Flash, why not show it? Sometimes dubbed by hardcore fans 'King of The Portal' because of his fame on NG. You can tell how amazing he is because he made over $5000 with a DVD he sold with some of his claymations on. At the moment he is producing a full feature movies named 'KlayWorld: Off the Table' he is also going to be making another full feature movies with real looking people in instead of his famous Blue Klaymen. Also a PC game by an independent games company, Mocos is in early development. I think it's safe to say that Knox could well be the next Nick Park.
'Did you see that Knox movie, Sniper Time?'

'Yeah that one was so funny.'

'"It's pretty good! Good salad!

'Yeah, that's hilarious'
by Craig April 21, 2005
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a book or dictionary that is primarily about sex
have you got a clitionary?
by Craig March 12, 2003
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yamina is a tall blonde german chick whom is very attractive and loves craig robbins.
by Craig December 24, 2004
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monkey-faced, baseball cap wearing, knuckle dragging member of one of Bristol's less affluent white areas
'ere, you is a meaderrrrrrrrr
by Craig February 10, 2004
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