87 definitions by Courtney

"Went to a White Stripes' concert last week. The Candy Cane Children were out in full force."
by Courtney April 7, 2005
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* a sexy whore that belongs to courtney murphy*
i love shaquil hyder!! -courtney murphy
by Courtney December 2, 2004
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a bubbling part of the skin indicating an STD such as Syphillis is present in the body.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD, those cherrypunks are sick! Pop them or something, God.."
by Courtney March 22, 2004
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Something so incredibly sweet that it deserves an extra word.
"I got you tickets to a Jack Johnson concert"
by Courtney March 6, 2005
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slang: location of baby in a pregnant woman.
Susan has one in the oven. Molly is baking twins in the oven.
by Courtney December 29, 2004
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acting as a verb to describe a very, hip, unique action.
Wow, she just did a double back hand spring all while drinking a beer! That is soooo Court Style!
by Courtney April 7, 2005
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