26 definitions by Cosmicstargoat

A variation of the card game savage injun that is not recommended for rational, sober poker players. In the original game of savage injun there are two cards dealt, face down to all players. The players then hold the cards up to their foreheads, face out,(like an Indian's feathers on a head-dress) where you cannot see your own cards, but all of your opponents can see your cards. You bet on your knowledge of the other player's cards.

In the doctor pepper version (not recommended), the game is complicated by having wild cards of 10-2-4. Not for the feint of heart.
Willie shot Tyronne dead after losing to him in three straight hands of dr. pepper savage injun.
by Cosmicstargoat April 28, 2004
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What floats on water and weighs the same as a witch.
When asked by Sir Benomir, what also floats, King Authur exclaimed "A duck".
by Cosmicstargoat January 30, 2004
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An insurance salesperson who is continually frustrated by humans who refuse to listen.
by Cosmicstargoat June 5, 2004
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Annoying and often Idiotic slogans, sayings and proclamations that are attached to the bumpers of the vehicles of usually rednecks or aging hippies.

These abrasive slogans are displayed by the proud owners in lieu of actual original thought and expression. Ditto for the stupid fishies that fundies adorn their autos with, smugly trying to project some sort of superiority, but only showing their boundless stupidity.
My daughter is a honor student

honk if you love jesus

It's in the Bible, I believe it, and that settles it

If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns

In case of rapture, this vehicle will be unmanned

Tourettes is a GODAMNED, SERIOUS fucking CONDITION, man!
by Cosmicstargoat June 16, 2004
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You'll snap shit when you go to the war soldier, or you'll come back in a rubber sack.
by Cosmicstargoat May 15, 2004
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3 cards dealt face up at one time in Texas holdem poker.
MaineBowl called in spite of his weak 7-2 offsuit, just so he could look at the flop. What a moron.
by Cosmicstargoat April 24, 2004
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