1 definition by CorysdaBOASS

When used as a girl's name -

an awesome girl who's fun, exuberant, and playful. They're horny all the time and will do almost anything for attention. They love attention but are not perceived as attention hogs or conceded people. June's are always extremely sexy but fail to realize that they are. Alot of times people named June will have self-confidence issues and will think of themselves as ugly until they are told otherwise by their forever-love. June's are headstrong and are dumbasses sometimes but wouldn't admit it unless you are close to them

June's are exclusive and often hold the principals that a purity ring provides. They may be homosexual but most of the time prefer males. June's are extremely intelligent and those who dare to challenge them will be public ally embarrassed.
June's prefer rough sex for you guys out there. They aren't opposed to bondage, do not mind whips, but HATE soft sex unless it's leading up to something bigger.

June as a month:
A kick ass month where everything is pretty and pretty babies are born.
June as a name:

My best friend's name is June and she gave a lap dance to my other friend yesterday.

June as a name:

Last night I fucked June - my girlfriend - till she couldn't stand up - and she still begged for more.

June as a month:

She was born in June and I think she's SO pretty

***entry dedicated to my girlfriend June - I <3 you to death. I expect this entry to start something tonight ;)
by CorysdaBOASS November 7, 2010
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