39 definitions by Cortana Dragoon

A game.

More specifically, a mind-control device that causes anyone who plays it to begin dissing Halo for no good reason.
We must save them before it is too late.
by Cortana Dragoon July 3, 2005
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1. Happy.
2. Homosexual.
3. A generic insult.
1. You are gay.
2. You are gay.
3. You are gay.

Hee hee hee ^.^
by Cortana Dragoon July 13, 2005
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A lineup of really good anime and comedy on an otherwise pretty shitty channel, Cartoon Network.
Every Saturday night I wait for Toonami to be over, then I watch Adult Swim.
by Cortana Dragoon July 13, 2005
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A pretty awesome show lineup on an otherwise pretty shitty channel, Cartoon Network.
"If you can't stand Toonami, just be patient. Adult Swim will come on in time." - me
by Cortana Dragoon July 3, 2005
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Kick-ass weapon. Used for smiting (duh).
Don't make me smite you. Smite you with my smiting stick! - Peter Godly
by Cortana Dragoon August 12, 2005
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1. A physical exertion on something.
2. The living field of energy, from Star Wars. Some people are stronger in it than others, mainly Jedi or Sith. The Sith are better. (Don't ask me how midi-chlorians come into this, at all.)
3. What I usually have to do in order to get the shit out of my ass.
1. They had to force the door open when I locked them out.
2. If you're a Sith, you get to shoot freakin' Force lightning out of your hands. COOL!
3. Use the FOOOOOOOOOORCE! *grunts*
by Cortana Dragoon July 3, 2005
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A fatal cancer that occurs in every human being anytime from ages 10-18.

Symptoms of this cancer are deformation of the body and loss of emotional control.

The only known cure for this disease is to have sex with many of your peers and get drunk regularly.
I will die of puberty...
by Cortana Dragoon July 3, 2005
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