20 definitions by Container

A scavenger, circling the media, looking for scraps of originality to add to their conceit. They sport eclectic styles and tastes, always recognisable as having been borrowed without adaption or refinement from elsewhere.
David Bowie is probably the best example of a successful culture vulture.

That website was put together by a Culture Vulture
by Container October 7, 2003
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A person who might persist with a certain course of action or belief way longer than most people would decide it was sensible to quit/move on.
"yippeee kiyay motherfucker!"
"He's a diehard FFVII fanboy. Even in the face of all of the evidence he cannot let go."
"Yo. I know it's winter. the waves like make a major tube...."
by Container October 7, 2003
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Three versions now exist, of LUEshi, an ascii artwork by Patamon, The distorted version which you see is suitable for viewing in the arial font.
Nowadays posting LUEshi on Gamefaqs will get you suspention and if you're lucky, 60 days in purgatory.
Never has a mascot been so widely abused and misunderstood.
Topic title:
So, I met this hot girl (pics now)

Message content:
by Container October 21, 2004
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To ask for confirmation of your audiences understanding, with the expectation that they will affirm what you are saying.
is gotta be dan innit nawwa ahmyean?
by Container October 4, 2003
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A large and foul smelling turd of mythical proportions.
I just did a dead wookie an I'm too scared to go back into the bogs to flush it!
by Container September 25, 2003
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A democratic item of clothing, all people can wear it in their size, have any message printed on it, or just soak it to show up their breasts.
Hey Check out the T-Shirt dude! Iron Maiden!!
by Container October 4, 2003
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Controlling he ball across the pitch, by keeping it close to the feet and veering it away from tackles from opposing players.
"David Beckham dribbled that argentinian instead of focussing on playing the game, consequently we lost the match and the tournement."
by Container October 12, 2003
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