11 definitions by Cont78

Life rarely gives you lemons but assholes are given aplenty. So this would be the more accurate version of the old saying.
A: That was really classy how you solved that argument with your boss.

B: Yep I had to, I had to be the bigger person you know despite ogf him being an asshole. You know "When life gives you assholes...you make lemonade"
by Cont78 March 29, 2010
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The act of having more sex than somebody else is having.
"Wow I can't believe I just caught my pet rabbits having sex on my bed AGAIN." They're outfucking me in my own home!
by Cont78 January 1, 2010
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An asshole who likes to fuck unassuming people over from behind.
You are such an ass-rat for tattletaling on your colleagues. Is that how you got promoted?
by Cont78 December 18, 2010
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Somebody who doesn't lack female atention.
Bruno Mars: "I wanna be a vajilionaire so fucking bad, I'd try out all the girls I never had..."
by Cont78 November 3, 2011
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a. Nice watch, you must have spent a fortune!

b. Yeah it better be nice it costs an arm, a leg and a vagina !
by Cont78 December 18, 2010
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A classic nerd, not one of those "hip" nerds with "smart" glasses. A real smart as hell boring as your grandmother, glasses wearing, chinless, chesthairless, bonafide geek. Think Bill/melinda gates, stephen hawkins etc.
A. Oh my god that new statistic professor is such an asshole. Yesterday he called me stupid in front of everyone.

B. I know, the nerds seem to like him though. Apparently you need an above 145 IQ to "get" him.

A. Yeah, I guess he's a "nerd's nerd"
by Cont78 August 3, 2011
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A person who's (mentally) fucked beyond repair.
A: How's your brother in law, I heard he got promoted.
B: Couldn't tell ya, havn't spoken to that defuct in years.
by Cont78 December 5, 2007
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