17 definitions by Comrade Karl

Nerdi-chlorians are microscopic life-forms that reside within the cells of all living nerds. They give their counterpart a characteristic called worldly ignorance.

This person/thing becomes unaware that his behavior appears odd to others. If you told him so, he would not believe you. If you explained why, he would not understand.

Nerdi-chlorians are a way to measure the person's nerdiness; their stupid behavior.
Evan: Ughh, what a fuckin' nerd!
Karl: I know, he must have a high nerdi-chlorian count.
by Comrade Karl May 6, 2005
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Expression used to convey that the person's resources have - or will be - cut off. Originates from Paul Verhoeven's Starship Troopers in which Rico's father cuts him off for being obnoxious and dangerously care-free.

The phrase "That's it! You are cut off!" can also be used. The following are instances in which these 2 expressions can be heard:

Example #1

Stan: Why isn't the internet working? I need to finish my homework!
Martin: Maybe something's wrong with the modem.
Jennifer: Your mother just disconnected the cable!
Martin: You are cut off young man!!

Example #2

Steve: Hey John, can you lend me some money?
Mark: You're asking him again? Didn't you already owe him?
John: That's it, you are cut off!
Original Transcript from Starship Troopers. Bill Rico is Johnny's father.

Johnny Rico: I won't quit.
Mr.Bill Rico: I'm telling you, you will. You're not going back, you're going on vacation!
Johnny Rico: I'm not going on vacation! I want to be a citizen. It's my decision.

*Johnny heads toward the door.*

Mr.Bill Rico: You walk out that door you are cut off young man, understand?

*Johnny leaves.*

Mr.Bill Rico: All right! That's it! You are cut off!
by Comrade Karl October 24, 2005
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Contraction of "Faggot Hobo"

Faggot + Hobo = Fagbo

One who retains the individuality of both a hobo and a fag.
Karl: Noah is such a fagbo.
Ayan: What's a fagbo?
Karl: A homosexual hobo. Ohh, there he goes! Ahh... You just missed it.
by Comrade Karl April 7, 2005
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When loser just doesn't make the cut. Say "loser" the superior way.

There are some occasions when saying loser just doesn't feel right. For example:
Evan: "Makes L figure with left hand"
Karl: Ughh... you dumbass loserstein.
by Comrade Karl April 7, 2005
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Stands for "Bus Metro & Walk".

Something everyone should learn to use.
Steven took the BMW to get to work, and returned late in the night.

by Comrade Karl March 30, 2006
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Hero of the Soviet Union!

Captain Vostrikov was the commander of the Soviet submarine K-19. He raced against time to prevent a Chernobyl-like nuclear disaster which threatened not only the lives of his crew, but had the potential to ignite a world war between the super powers.
Captain Polenin: Lieutenant Yashim is the best reactor officer in the navy. He's never been drunk on duty before. We need him Captain, I urge you to reconsider.

Captain Vostrikov: I want this boat out of dry dock. Sea trials begin in 2 weeks.

Captain Polenin: The boat isn't ready Captain. The problem is Moscow. They organize party V.I.P tours, but were stuck with incompetent yard crews and deffective parts.

Captain Vostrikov: Sea trials will begin as schedualed. We deliver, or we drown.
by Comrade Karl April 7, 2005
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Acronym for: "Deficiency Of Goddamn Everything", quoted from the Mac Hall Comics.
Guy1 -Our friend here is going to be a medical celebrity.
Guy2 -Sweet!
Guy1 -They found symptoms of scurvy, rickets, beri beri and a couple of others. It was the royal flush of nutritional disorders.
Guy1 -In fact, they're going to write it up as a new condition called Doge and sumbit it to Jama.
Guy2 -Doge?
Guy1 -Deficiency of goddamn everything!
by Comrade Karl December 7, 2006
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