17 definitions by Commander8750

A person that believes and claims they are untouchable and have not gotten any type of consequences after breaking the law multiple times over the internet, making horrible comments in a negative manner, claiming a hacker has removed their comments when they alone have done it, scamming people of money for a service they claim they are professional at but yet has been proven they are not a professional at all by multiple people.
We have so many QuantumTVs on YouTube that have abused the DMCA multiple times. wish YouTube would do something about this.
by Commander8750 July 7, 2022
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First started as a macro, but later became so much frequent that it's not getting funny to many people.
by Commander8750 December 22, 2018
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A person willing to lie, cheat, steal, or any other action that to gain an advantage and become rich as the people that support him get nothing.
A sernandoe has no right to be this bad to their supporters.
by Commander8750 December 22, 2018
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The combination of Captain Qwarks' superhero name from the Ratchet and Clank video game series with the word fantastic, which means the same thing as fantastic but in a prideful manner.
I'm doing Qwarktastic.
by Commander8750 September 2, 2022
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Slang for "get good". Used by people that have no lives in are so close to professional level in competitive games e.g. Call of Duty
Everytime I hear 'git gud', it's from someone that is a real loser in real life.
by Commander8750 December 22, 2018
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A holiday that a religion says it happened during that time but didn't happen even close to where that said religion is saying is happening.
Christmas is a pagan holiday due to the song "We Three Kings" says that they travel from China, Japan, North Korea and South Korea area.
by Commander8750 December 22, 2018
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An old English soldier from WWI and WWII that drove tanks to destroy enemy frontlines or a strategist that was planning to destroy enemy headquarters.
That Batman is crazy, he wants us to win this war by destroying the headquarters with bombs.
by Commander8750 December 22, 2018
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